iTEC S.T.E.A.M. Demo booths:
iTEC participates in numerous outreach events/activities in the San Antonio and neighboring communities each year. Since 2014 iTEC has participated in over 100 community outreach events successfully introducing more than 2,000 students and professional to the many exciting fields of S.T.E.A.M.!
Our booth include hands-on interactive demo activities, exciting prizes, and information about our upcoming current S.T.E.A.M. programs and the College of Engineering.
We have a limited number of events that we can attend each month and request a that you provide a minimum of three weeks notice on your submitted request.
To schedule your event please complete the below iTEC Event Request form.
UTSA College of Engineering Campus Tours:
Nearly 2,000 school-aged children visit UTSA's College of Engineering each year. This program encourages students to begin thinking about their future and introduces them to the variety of opportunities UTSA & the College of Engineering (COE) has to offer.
During this visit, students interact with UTSA COE Professors and students, observe classroom activity, visit COE laboratories and walk the campus.
Campus tours begin at 9am. Please allow at least four hours on campus for students to experience the entire itinerary. The tour can be shortened for schools without the ability to stay the recommended duration.
Campus tour itinerary:
9:00 am Arrival & Welcome presentation
Discovery College of Engineering (laboratory tours)
Campus Scavenger hunt
Lunch on the Lawn - Please note that UTSA - COE does not provide food for the students. **optional**
Wrap-up and Departure
Please complete the online tour request form to schedule your UTSA College of Engineering Tour!