Our Story:
The Interactive Technology Experience Center, iTEC, was established in 2007 for the purpose of introducing visitors to the many different fields of S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math). Since then, iTEC has grown into a year-round Kinder - 12th grade S.T.E.A.M education program.
iTEC seeks to be an inspiration for young people by creating an environment where they can understand how engineering, science, math, arts and technology shape our lives and the future of the world.
Upcoming Events & Announcements:
Saturdays with iTEC: 3rd-5th October 20th from 9am-12pm.

This camp lit a spark in my child. He is excited about science and has been trying to create projects at homes based on what he has learned at camp. Even more importantly, this camp has increased his confidence and self esteem and he can't wait to attend again next year!

Academically this camp is just outstanding!

The camp is very well organized and I as a parent was very happy to see my children so happy after the first day and how eager they were to go everyday!

Two thumbs up! My camper enjoyed the problem-solving aspect of the camp as well as the building and programming of robots.